Construction of Optimized Energy Potential (CoOEP) has been published since 2003, initially as a collective work edited with the ISBN number, and since 2012 as a journal with the ISSN 2299-8535, (print version) and e-ISSN 2544-963X (online version).
The journal presents theoretical and practical problems of modern energy-saving, energy-active, ecological and sustainable building construction.
CoOEP is Open Access Journal. Access to the content of articles placed in web side of journal is possible only on the base of Creative Commons licence CC BY-SA.
In the years 2012-2023, the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license was valid.
Since 2020, the Journal publishes articles only in English language.
The journal is indexed (registered) in databases
Digital archiving
the journal is archived in national digital libraries (eg. Silesian Digital Library), electronic databases (eg. BazTech) and other national projects (eg. INFONA)
Scoring according to Ministry of Education and Science
40 points according to the list of scientific journals Ministry Education and Science
The journal received funding for digitization from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for activities promoting science in 2017 and funding in 2019-2021 under the program "Support for scientific journals"![zrzut_ekranu_2022-11-14_210736.png](/fcp/VGBUKOQtTKlQhbx08SlkTUQNCUWRuHQwFDBoIVURNFDgPW1ZpCFghUHcKVigEQR1BXQEsKTwdAQsKJBVYCRlYdxdFDy5IGzpEMEIrMQxBC0EBS0RweE8Q/_users/code_kE1YNLggXJ1I5UgYhCwsDI0QRCWY8AQ/zrzut_ekranu_2022-11-14_210736.png)
Index Copernicus Value
ICV 100,0
Branch of science
engineering and technical sciences
Leading scientific discipline
civil engineering, geodesy and transport
Other scientific disciplines
architecture and urban sciences, materials engineering, environmental engineering
Category according to Web of Science
civil engineering, architecture, material science, environmental engineering, ecology
Frequency of appearing
Journal affiliation
Czestochowa University of Technology
eISSN: 2544-963X
ISSN: 2299-8535