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About the Journal
Zwiń / rozwiń pozycję
Aims and scope
Editorial Board
Scientific Board
Publishing Office
Publishing policy
Current issue
Publication Ethics
Information for Authors
Zwiń / rozwiń pozycję
Publication procedure
Instructions for Authors
Authors’ statement
Publication review
Zwiń / rozwiń pozycję
Review procedure
Criteria for qualifying publications
Guidelines for Reviewers
List of Reviewers
Zwiń / rozwiń pozycję
General list of Reviewers
List of Reviewers in individual years
Zwiń / rozwiń pozycję
Submit your paper
Submit review
The CoOEP journal is currently an annual.
The journal is published in electronic and paper versions.
Articles for publication may be submitted throughout the year.
The publication date of each volume is December of the given calendar year. However, individual articles from a given volume are successively posted on the journal's website as the processing of submitted manuscripts by the Editorial Office (initial assessment, reviews, language proofreading) and editorial preparation by the Czestochowa University of Technology Publishing House is completed, due to facilitating the possibility of Authors publishing in the journal prior citation their works.
All articles in the journal CoOEP are published in full open access on the journal's website. Published content is available free of charge for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The Authors retain the copyright to their articles, but grant the Publisher the right of first publication, and other non-exclusive publishing rights. The journal's Editorial Office encourages all Authors to deposit only the published version of their work in the repository of their choice
(e.g. Research Gate).
The Authors are solely responsible for the substantive content of the presented study, its originality and information provided or any acknowledgements. The CoOEP journal adheres to the principles of ethics in scientific publications in accordance with the guidelines of the
Committee of Ethics in Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences
and the
Committee on Publication Ethics
. Detected by Editorial and Scientific Board and Reviewers cases of scientific misconduct such as: plagiarism, ghostwriting or guest authorship will be disclosed and documented, including notifying the relevant institutions.
The CoOEP journal belongs to the branch of engineering and technical sciences. The basic discipline presented is civil engineering, geodesy and transport. Other disciplines include architecture and urban planning, material engineering and environmental engineering.
Articles inconsistent with the subject matter of the journal are not accepted.
Submitted articles should be well formatted according to the
instructions for Authors.
Material prepared for publication in CoOEP should use correct English.
The order of publication of individual texts is determined by the importance and relevance of the subject matter discussed and the order in which their publishing process is completed.
In order to provide free access to readers and cover the costs of copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management, an article processing charge (APC) PLN applies to papers accepted to publish after peer review.
CoOEP is committed to supporting the transition of all research to fully open access, therefore we offer APC waivers or discounts. For Authors from low- and middle-income countries, waivers or discounts may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Applications submitted before article submission are assessed by the Managing Editor based on the quality of the research article and the Authors’ ability to pay.
Sending an article is treated as an agreement to for its publication and placing it in an electronic version on the journal's website.
Two independent Reviewers are appointed to evaluate each publication from outside the scientific unit affiliated by the Author of the publication. A double-blind review process applies. The procedure for reviewing articles is consistent with the indications of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The list of Reviewers' publications is available once a year on the journal's website.
Copyright © Politechnika Częstochowska. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Politechnika Częstochowska uczelnią dostępną.
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.