The jurnal "Construction of Optimized Energy Potential" presents the theoretical and practical problems of modern, sustainable, energy-efficient, energy-active and ecological civil and environmental engineering, which are currently one of the main trends in the design, realization and operation of buildings. Presented issues concern both to building constructions, materials and technologies, as well as architecture and urban, building installations, environmental protection and ecology. The use of modern materials and technologies gives the opportunity to save significant amounts of energy in both new and existing buildings, as well as reduce emissions, including carbon dioxide, which contributes to the decarbonization of buildings and the improvement of the natural environment.
The aim of the journal is to present the scientific and design studies carried out in the field of the above-mentioned topics containing perspective concepts of possible material, structural, installation, organizational, technological, economic and operational solutions in the area of sustainable and ecological civil and environmental engineering. The journal is directed to a wide circle of recipients who want to enrich their knowledge in the presented topics. We hope that the published content will contribute to raising the level of knowledge about building objects with low energy demand, minimizing material, energy and financial expenses for their implementation and exploitation, as well as protecting the natural environment and implementation of the idea of sustainable development in civil and environmental engineering.
Problems considered in publications of journal "Construction of Optimized Energy Potential" are:
- Sustainable and ecological construction,
- Theoretical and methodical foundations for design, construction and operation of facilities,
- Energy-efficient and energy-active architecture,
- Building constructions, materials and technologies,
- Ecological and modern materials in construction,
- Energy certification and energy auditing in civil and environmental engineering,
- Thermal modernization of buildings,
- Indoor microclimate and people's thermal comfort,
- Indoor environmental quality in buildings, indoor air quality in buildings.
- Building and human health,
- Building and urban acoustics,
- Room lighting in terms of energy efficiency,
- Effective use of energy in spatial planning,
- Efficient use of water and greenery in the urban space,
- Minimization of energy consumption in aerodynamics of buildings and urban areas,
- Renewable and alternative energy sources,
- Rationalization of heat and water demand and energy-saving ventilation and air-conditioning systems,
- Optimal design solutions in hydrotechnical facilities,
- Use of waste materials in sustainable construction.
- Management and quality of products and processes in civil and environmental engineering,
- Safety in civil and environmental engineering.