Lucjan KURZAK1, Bernard BIEDA1
1Politechnika Częstochowska
BoZPE 2012;(1):47–53
Article (PDF)
thermal insulation of external partitions, energy-efficient construction, passive building
Energy-efficient construction, Architecture in sustainable construction, Building installations
Aspirations to reduce consumption of natural resources combined with increas-ing energy prices have contributed to the search for solutions to reduce costs to end users. This is a translation into promotion of equitable use of various types of ap-pliances and equipment with lower demand for electricity. House heating represents the highest level of energy consumption. According to this, it is impor-tant to put intention on lowered costs in buildings thanks to reduced demand for energy. Achievement of this goal is possible mainly thanks to the basic factor of installing better insula-tion throughout the buildings. It means that a new challenge has been raised for the engineers - energy efficient construction. Recently this field has been develop-ing very dynamically. A challenge was raised for buildings to achieve the nearly zero energy consumption. Also the standard requirements of newly constructed buildings im-pose guidelines with a maximum thermal transpiration of the barrier. Many mod-ern materials and old, well-known but modernized ones were used in these new so-lutions. The review and analysis of these energy efficient building’s structure are the main topics developed in this study. This review shall present the solutions that are currently in use and are available on the Polish market. The evaluation of them has provided useful information and results.