Investigation into the thermal protection of building enclosing structures in the case of emergency heat supply
Tatyana Rafalskaya1
1Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)
Article (PDF)
limited heat supply, heating, hot water supply system, heat accumulation
Construction and engineering constructions, Building installations, Building information modeling
In case of emergency situations in heat supply systems, the water temperature in the supply line of the system decreases. It is necessary to determine the allowable operational duration of the heating system in case there is an accident, taking into account heat accumulation in exterior building envelopes and the variable flow of water in the hot water supply system. Operational modes of the heat supply system during emergency heat release from the CHP are studied. Factors affecting the thermal regime of buildings with external fences of various levels of heat accumulation are considered. A method is developed for calculating the cooling rate of the inner surface of the outer fence and the temperature on this surface at a given time. Calculated dependences are obtained for determining the permissible operating time of the heat supply system with a limited heat supply.