Analysis of the use of heating film in the heat supply of industrial premises
Volodymyr Shepitchak1, Vasyl Zhelyh2
1Lviv Polytechnic National University
2Czestochowa University of Technology
Article (PDF)
film infrared heater, heating supply, energy savings, energy-efficient systems, heating, infrared heaters, radiant energy, working place, temperature regime
Energy-efficient construction, Construction and engineering constructions, Building installations
The situation in the country and around the world needs new, better energy resources and ways to use them to save energy, and with it, the economic, ecological and social position of any state. Energy saving is a necessary issue for improving economic performance by reducing energy consumption while maintaining comfortable conditions. Large industrial buildings are a significant consumer of thermal energy. An effective approach is needed for the design of heating systems, taking into account the possible modes of their operation to ensure the rational use of energy resources.