Thermal emissivity of tent fabric and its influence on the thermal insulation of tent walls
Adam Ujma1, Jakub Jura1
1Czestochowa University of Technology
Article (PDF)
tent fabric, heat resistance, heat transfer coefficient
Energy-efficient construction, Building materials, Construction and engineering constructions, Building information modeling
The article presents research aimed at determining the thermal properties of tent fabric and, as the final result, the value of the heat transfer coefficient of the thermal protection of a pneumatic tent. It was assumed that the thermal insulation capacity of the tent cover, con- sisting of two fabric layers separated by an air gap, was determined for two seasons, summer and winter. The tested material had two sides that differed in color, which resulted in ob- taining a different value of the thermal emissivity coefficient. The thermal conductivity co- efficient of the tent fabric was also measured with the use of a lammeter. The obtained data from the measurements were then used to determine the resistance to heat transfer on the tent surfaces, the thermal resistance of the partition, and finally the value of the heat transfer coefficient.