2D and 3D preliminary numerical analysis of a masonry arch – case study
Marlena Anna Jurczak1
1University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17512/bozpe.2021.2.16
Article (PDF)
masonry structures, masonry constructions, FEM (Finite Element Method), failure mechanisms
Building materials, Construction and engineering constructions, Building information modeling
Masonry arches are regularly used in construction. The main purpose of this work was to perform numerical calculations using the Finite Element Method to estimate the load capac- ity of the designed masonry arch and to identify optimal locations for sensors on a real struc- ture to aid advanced structural analysis. The model was implemented in two computer pro- grams – Autodesk Robot and DIANA, and the results were compared. The arch was analysed statically and dynamically in the elastic range. A preliminary 2D static analysis was per- formed in Autodesk Robot, while in DIANA both flat and spatial models were analysed using both static and dynamic analysis. Numerical estimation of the load capacity of the masonry structure gave the opportunity to show the basic failure mechanisms together with the character of the stress distribution as well as the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes. Sat- isfactory results were obtained, after a review of the literature.